SkinPen® Microneedling

SkinPen® Microneedling

Microneedling is also known as collagen induction therapy – it involves making small holes into the skin via small needles on the device the depth these needles penetrate into the skin can be adjusted by your practitioner/esthetician. The SkinPen® leads to the release growth factors that trigger the skin’s collagen and elastin production. The SkinPen® is the first microneedling device to be licensed by the FDA. It is excellent to help signs of aging (wrinkles), melasma, and mainly acne scars. Often times you will continue to see improvement in scarring 3-6 months after the treatment as collagen remodelling continues.

BEFORE the treatment:

  • No specific measures are required prior to the treatment.

DURING the treatment:

We will apply topical numbing to the skin. We keep the pen rolling over the skin in either a crisscross pattern or circular pattern so that we uniformly treat the skin. The session typically lasts 20-30 minutes.

AFTER the treatment:

  • Often times the face will be erythematous with mild swelling – somewhat like a mild sunburn. The redness and swelling can last 2-4 days after the treatment. We do recommend 3-5 treatments.